I was sent a bottle of PRO-Dental
There is another fascinating probiotic contained in this supplement, it is called S. Salvarius M18, and produces an enzyme that helps dissolve plaque and bio-film. These little nasties can cause cavities, staining, tooth sensitivities and gum disease / gingivitis. If left untreated, periodontal disease can occur. All these oral problems are frightening and make me want to brush my teeth right at this very moment. I have had near perfect teeth for the first 28 years of my life and zero cavities. Unfortunately when I got pregnant with my daughter I went through a phase of being a little too natural with everything in my life and went about 2-3 months using tooth soap chips which are fluoride free soap with essential oils and various clays to clean the teeth. This works for a lot of people, but did not work for me, I got 4 small cavities despite brushing twice per day, limiting sweets, and drinking mainly water and milk. I also know that during pregnancy your body and teeth undergo changes and my teeth suffered some. I am now trying to prevent having any more oral problems so am hoping that this will help.
Last week I started oil pulling (again) with coconut oil, and I hope this time I can be diligent about it and see results. Oil pulling is getting more well known as it draws unhealthy bacteria out of teeth and strengthens teeth and gums. I am hoping that with better oral care through this Pro Dental supplement, along with oil pulling, my teeth will be in tip top shape.
This probiotic can help fight bad breath, while keeping the good bacteria in your mouth. Just like probiotics in our stomach, there are levels of good and bad bacteria. It is important to keep a balance of healthy oral microflora. I have only tested this for about 3 weeks, and have only oil pulled 1 week, however, I am hoping that continued care and diligence with proper oral health, I can strengthen my teeth and gums.
This bottle of Hyperbiotics Pro Dental was sent to me for purpose of this review. All opinions are my own and honest. I have not had any ill effects from taking this supplement. I look forward to seeing positive improvements over time.
You can connect with the company on Facebook and Twitter.
*One bottle of Pro Dental was sent to me from the company for this review, all opinions are my own.*
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