I was recently sent some laundry bags to review. I used to purchase my zip bags online from a well known manufacturer brand and liked them but did not like how easily they wore out. I also did not like the cost of them and how the zipper easily slipped open. The zippers were metal, thin in width (not easy to grasp) and painted white (chipped paint). These bags have plastic zippers that are thicker in width and comfortable (almost ergonomic if a zipper pull can qualify). These zippers are snag fee and have elastics to keep them hidden in place. So if a zipper does get loose from the super thick elastic fastener, it won't hurt clothing.
These laundry bags are described as being made of "premium-grade mesh that makes them as strong & durable as they are luxurious & smooth." I definitely agree. When first opening these I could tell right away that they were nice quality. Now to be honest, I was not expecting to be in awe of them. I was expecting a poor quality generic laundry bag. These are are supremely nice and I am not using the "name brand" ones any more. The seams are neatly done and sturdy.
This set has 4 wash bags (2 medium, 2 large). I like the idea of having the 3 white wash bags for light-colored loads, and the 1 large black bag for dark-colored items. Why??? Well, first off, my old name brand white bags would turn an ugly blueish grey tone because I would put in a dark colored item into the bag, and then put that bag into some dark clothing that I felt it was safe to be washed with, and the clothing load would turn the bag an ugly color transfer. Having a dedicated dark colored (black) bag for dark clothing is GENIUS. Now there won't be color transfer, and I can keep things separate.
I really like these bags and they are used every time we do laundry. I use these for baby socks to keep them from getting lost, as well as for delicate items of all sorts (tutus, leggings for my daughter, slips, delicate sweaters, lace, etc.).
These are available on Amazon. I received a set of 4 to review, this is my honest opinion. I will always mention if something does not work for me or to my liking. You and I might differ in opinion of how well an item functions.
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