I have always been a bit of an insomniac, even as young as grade school, middle school and high school. I was always the last to fall asleep at sleep overs, and sometimes, I never fell asleep at all. It was always difficult when it was a school night at home and I would lay awake for hours staring at the bright green digital numbers on the alarm clock. What kept me awake? Deadlines for book reports or papers, big math tests, picture day, or a big speaking part in the drama club--would I remember all my lines? In my college years, I had very little sleep. I would stay up late writing papers until the wee hours of the night, and when I was finally finished, even when exhausted, I would lay awake at night, waiting for sleep to give me rest.
Now that I am a mother of 2, a 3 1/2 yr old and a 4 1/2 year old, I need to sleep as much as possible, as both get me up very early in the morning and keep me busy during the day. But sadly, each night I cannot get sleepy until 1 or 2 am. This makes it incredibly difficult when I need to be up anywhere between 5:30 am and 8:00 am, depending on when they each decide to get up (it differs day to day). Often my 3 1/2 yr old daughter decides 5:40 am is a good time to rise. I had only fallen asleep around 2:30 am the nights before. I need something to calm and relax me, but I do not want to take sleeping pills. I want a natural option.
The past week I have been trying a natural product. It is not a pill and it tastes delicious. It takes like cherries, and I love it because it is pure organic cherry juice and unsweetened. I do not like sugary drinks or artificial "juices" or punches. I was sent a bottle of 100% Organic Tart Cherry Juice
This organic juice supplement is a natural sleep aid, containing a natural form of Melatonin. Melatonin calms the body, and helps regulate night and day cycles or sleep-wake cycles. According to the American Cancer Society, melatonin acts as an antioxidant, and blocks the action of free radicals that damage cells and speed signs of aging.
Here is how I take it: I take 2 Tablespoons in water 2-3 hours before bedtime. I want to try to set a realistic goal and try to get to bed at midnight for now, and then hopefully I can get to bed sooner, perhaps 10:30 or 11 pm. I did not see how much of water, juice or seltzer I was supposed to use, so I just mixed a small amount of water, perhaps 4-6 oz. I wanted to not water down my cherry flavor. I have tried this by itself in a spoonful, as well as in water. I like it both ways, but I can enjoy it longer in water. Some people might find this bitter or too strong, but I have never been a fan of sugary drinks, so this tastes wonderful to me. I do not add any sweetening to it. I often mix it into the last 4-6 oz of my bottled water bottle, and shake it up. It is delicious.
The nice thing about it is that it contains so many health benefits.
•-> Natural Melatonin For Improved Sleep
•-> Block Bad Enzymes For Pain Relief (Less Swelling, Faster Muscle Strength Recovery)
•-> Help Fight Heart Disease By Controlling Bad Cholesterol
•-> Neutralize Harmful Oxidants In The Body
I will continue to use 100% Organic Tart Cherry Juice
This is available at the following link: Amazon
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