Saturday, May 19, 2018

MAANGE Shell (Mermaid Inspired) Makeup Brushes Review (Amazon)

I have a short and sweet, mini review for you!

I was sent three travel sized makeup brushes for review. They are perfect for a mermaid or anyone that dreams they are a mermaid! They are very comfortable to hold due to the grippy texture of the shell-like mold. The synthetic bristles are soft. I like that they are packed densely and have shed only 0-2 hairs per brush. They are a luminous fuchsia and green and very cute! These can apply various makeup products. I like them but to be honest, will not use them as my daily brushes. I like a rounded makeup brush and an actual handle. However, for travel, these little beauties will do wonderfully. They easily fit into a small makeup bag. You can find these on Amazon.

DISCLOSURE: In order for me to support my blogging activities, I may receive monetary compensation for a product review and/or link to any products or services from this blog. I am always honest in my opinions and never promise a positive review. I only recommend products or services that I feel are beneficial to my family and my lovely readers. I enjoy testing out items and giving my readers an honest and descriptive account of how a product functions. My personal experience or view of an item may differ than yours.

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